The Compassionate Friends ACT & Queanbeyan

The Compassionate Friends is a mutual self-help support group; people coming together who have had a lived experience and so are able to bring a special depth of understanding to each other.

It is a worldwide group and there are branches in all Australian states. We are all bereaved parents, siblings or grandparents.

Although there can be deep sharing amongst us – almost as though we have each touched the same place – we each of us have our own story, our own ways of grieving, our own philosophies of life.

The Compassionate Friends ACT & Queanbeyan

We currently have use of a comfortable room within the Red Nose organisation office in Chifley. Canberra where we hold our monthly shared meetings.

24 Hour National Helpline:
1300 064 068.

Telephone support and enquiries:



Resource Brochures Link

Our National Grief Line 1300 064 068

TCF is not a crisis service. If you need immediate crisis support, please contact:

Lifeline 13 11 14, Suicide Line 1300 651 251, Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467